Thursday, April 17, 2014

Nominal Area Choropleth Maps

Nominal Area Choropleth map:

  • nominal area choropleth maps, are choropleth maps that illustrate categorical data rather than numerical data.
  • this map illustrates the political categories for the presidential election. with the categories being the different presidents running.

Star Plots

Star Plots:

  • star plots are used to display multivariate data, every star representing a different observation.
  • the image above is just an example,of various data illustrated in star plot form.

Coorelation Matrix

Correlation Matrix:

  • A correlation matrix illustrates the correlation between M variables.
  • the image above illustrates a correlation in the US stock market over the time span of 182 days.

Similarity Matrix

 Similarity Matrix:

  • A similarity matrix illustrates the similarity between a number data points.
  • the image above is the behavioral clustering similarity matrix.

steam And Leaf Plot

Stem and Leaf Plot:

  • the Stem and leaf plot is a way to illustrate quatitative data in a graphical form, in which you can see the way of the distribution.
  •  the plot above goes from greatest to smallest numbers.

Box Plott

Box plot:

  • A box plot is a way to illustrate numerical data through quartiles.
  •  the image above is an example of how to read a box plot.



  • A histogram is a graphical representation od a distribution of data, such as that obtained ina stem and leaf plot.
  • the image above is a histogram of the distribution of the heights of black cherry trees.

Parallel Coordinate Graph


Parallel Coordinate Graph:

  • A parallel coordinate graph is a way of illustrating high dimensional data.
  • the image above is a 25 dimensional data of the 462 NBA players.

Triangular Plot

Triangular plot:

  • A triangular plot is a way of illustrating three different variables that sum up to a constant.
  •  the image above is of a ternary plot of protein, lactose and protein.



  • The windrose is a tool used by meteorologist to illustrate the speed and direction of the wind. 
  • the image above is an example of what a windrose looks like.



  • A climograph is a way of illustrating climatic parameters, which is a monthly average of temperature and precipitation.
  •  the image above represents a climograph of the period from 1971-2000.

Population Profile

Population Profile:

  • population profile ios a chart that illustrates a function of a population according to their ages.
  •  the chart above illustrates the spread of HIV in Africa though the different ages in the population.



  • A scatter plot is a way to illustrate data of two variables of a set data.
  •  the image above is an example of what a scatter plot looks like.

Index Value Plot

Index Value Plot:

  • An index plot illustrates an index value instead of an absolute value, and in plotted in graph.
  •  the image above represents the russell 1000 value and the russell 200 growth ratio.

Lorenz curve

Lorenz curve:

  • A lorenz curve is used in economics as an illustration of the commutative distribution function of the empirical probability of wealth.
  • the image above illustrates income distribution.

Bilateral Graph

Bilateral Graph:

  • A bilateral graph compares two or more sets of data in a bar graph form.
  •  the image above illustrates how chinnas leadership image is seen outside the west.

Unstandarized Choropleth Maps

Unstandarized Choropleth maps:

  •  An unstandarized choropleth map gather data that has not really been averaged according to certain areas.
  • the image above represents the 2004 presidential election.

Standarized Choropleth Maps

Standardized Choropleth Maps:

  • A Standardized choropleth map illustrates data with averages and percentages within an area.
  • the image above illustrates the density of the us population.

Unvariate Choropleth Maps

Unvariate choropleth maps:

  • An unvariate choropleth map displays data from only one variable.
  •  the image above illustrates unemployment rates in January of 2007 by county.

Bivariate Choropleth Maps

Bivariate choropleth map:

  •  A bivariate choropleth map illustrates a set of data from two different variables.
  • the image above is an example of how to perform a bivariate map.

Unclassed Choropleth Maps

Unclassed Choropleth maps:

  • An unclassed choropleth map does not have a particular average or percentage attached to the colors by area.
  •  the image above is an example of what an unclassed map looks like.

Range Graded Proportional Map

Range Graded Proportional Map:

  • A range graded proportional map is a map that illustrates the circles in proportion to the ranges of data.
  •  The image above is an example of what a range graded proportional map looks like.

Continuously Proportional Circle Map

Continuous Proportional circle Map:

  • A continuous proportional circle map with circles that represent variables according to their average.
  • the image above is of the different meat that was sent to different regions of Paris.



  • Digital orthophoto quater quads are digital arial area pic produced by the  USGS.
  •  The image above is an example of what a DOQQ looks like.




  • Digital elevation model,  is a digital 3D illustration of the land.
  • The image above is of a 6ft. high tsunami.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014



  • Digital line graph, is a cartographic map represented in digital vector form, also provided by the USGS. 
  • The image above is of DLG map that illustrates the county lines of the states.



  • Digital raster graphics, is a digital image resulting from scanning a paper USGS topographic map for use on a computer. 
  • The image above is a DRG of the texas of commission on environmental quality.



  •  An isopleth is a line on a map connecting places registering the same amount or ratio of some geographical or meteorological phenomenon or phenomena.
  • The image above illustrates the acid rain concentration of the US.



  •  An isopach map illustrates thickness variations within a tabular unit. 
  • The image above is an is isopach image of little glass and glass mountain.



  • Isohyets is  a line on a map connecting points having the same amount of rainfall in a given period.
  •  The image above is of rainfall prediction in the US.



  •  An isotach is a line on a map connecting points of equal wind speed.
  • The image above illustrates the jet streak from kansas.



  • An isobar is a line connecting points of equal atmospheric pressure.
  • The image above is an example of isobars.



  • A lidar is  is a remote sensing technology that measures distance by illuminating a target with a laser and analyzing the reflected light.
  • The image above is an illustration of downtown Manhattan in 3D.

Doppler Radar

Doppler radar:

  •  A radar tracking system using the Doppler effect to determine the location and velocity of a storm, clouds, precipitation, etc.
  • The image above is an example of what a Doppler radar looks like.

Black And White Arial Photo

Black and white arial photo:

  •  A black and white arial photo is a computer-generated image of an aerial photograph in which the image displacement caused by terrain relief and camera tilt has been removed.

Infrared Arial Photo

Infrared arial photo:

  • An infrared arial photo is the film or image sensor used is sensitive to infrared light.

Cartographic Animations

Cartographic animations:

  •  cartographic animation is the application of animation, either computer or video, to add a temporal component to a map displaying change in some dimension.

Statistical Maps

Statistical map:

  • A statistical map is a special type of map in which the variation in quantity of a factor such as rainfall, population, or crops in a geographic area is indicated; a dot map is one type.




  • A cartogram is a map in which some thematic mapping variable – such as travel time, population, or GNP – is substituted for land area or distance.

Flow Maps

Flow map:

  •  Flow maps in cartography are a mix of maps and flow charts, that show the movement of objects from one location to another, such as the number of people in a migration, the amount of goods being traded, or the number of packets in a network.

Isoline Maps

Isoline maps:

  •  An isoline map is a map that has continuous lines joining points on the map, which are of the same value.

Proportional Circle Map

Proportional circle maps:

  •  A proportional circle maps illustrates with circles the data , in a way in which the size of the circle is proportional to the data.

Chloropleth Maps

choropleth maps:

  •  A choropleth map is a thematic map in which areas are shaded or patterned in proportion to the measurement of the statistical variable being displayed on the map, such as population density or per capita income.

Dot Distribution Maps

Dot distribution maps:

  •  A dot distribution map is as a map type that uses a dot symbol to show the presence of a feature or phenomenom. Dot maps rely on a visual scatter to show spatial pattern.

Propaganda Maps

Propaganda Map:

  • A propaganda map is the creation of a map with the goal of achieving a result similar to traditional propaganda; the map can be outright falsified, or even just created using subjectivity with the goal of persuasion

Hypsometric Map

Hypsometric map:

  • hypsometric lines are related to contour lines.. They can be used to depict ranges of elevation as bands of color, usually in a graduated scheme, or as a color ramp applied to contour lines themselves

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Public Land Survey System:

Public Land Survey System:

  • The PLSS is used to divide public domain lands, which are lands owned by the Federal government for the benefit of the citizens of the United States.

Cadastral Maps:

Cadastral Maps:

  • A Cadastral Map provides detailed information about a property within a specific area.
  • This is a Cadastral Map of Florida marine conservations.

Thematic Map:

Thematic map:

  • A Thematic Map is a type of map or chart designed to show a particular theme connected with a specific geographic area.
  • The theme of this map is population, and its related to the state per square mile.

Topographic Map:

Topographic Map:

  • Topographic Maps are a type of map characterized by large scale details and quantitative representation of relief using contour lines.
  • This is a topographic map of the city of Tallahassee.